My research focuses on the issues of poverty, labor, family, and population. I am interested in these broad topics: how families break free from the cycle of poverty; transitions over the life course (i.e., labor market, marital, parenthood transitions); how people make decisions about time and gender differences in time-use allocation; and the impact evaluation of poverty and inequality reducing programs.
Work in Progress
- “The Impact of Body Weight on Wages in the Indonesian Labor Market”
- “The Effects of Time-use Agency on Unpaid Work” with Amy Damon, Diahhadi Setyonaluri, Usha Adelina Riyanto, and Bimbika Sijapati Basnett.
- “Determinants and Patterns of Marital Transition in Indonesia” with Diahhadi Setyonaluri, Aris Ananta, and Ariane Utomo